Teaching Effectiveness
Student Unsolicited Feedback (Emails, etc.)
This is a collection of some of the unsolicited feedback received from students who took my classes. This feedback came mostly in the form of emails, but there are some notes, cards, and even a short video as well.
The bits of communication are not arranged in any particular order, but largely chronologically, starting with the most recent. Where possible, the feedback has been grouped under the course the student took with me. In several instances, however, the student may have taken more than one course with me during the semester in reference, and their communication would be presented outside of the course brackets, in the section labeled, “General”.
The opening section - “Encapsulation” - describes an incident that sets the tone for the rest of the document; it is one of the most moving episodes in my teaching career and continues to serve as constant motivation.
The communication reproduced below will be self-explanatory. At the top are email responses from Dr. Annie McGowan (at the time, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, Mays Business School) and Dr. Sorin Sorescu (at the time, head of the Dept. of Finance). I had sent the email and attachments reproduced below to Dr. Sorescu, who had passed it on to Dr. McGowan.
From Dr. McGowan, 6/23/20:
Good morning Tony: I hope that you don’t mind that Sorin shared your video with me. I am inundated with student complaints so it was awesome to see students showing appreciation for their professor. We are lucky to have such a caring professional at Mays. Thank you for all that you do to help our students grow professionally and otherwise.
[at the time Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, Mays Business School]
From Dr. Sorescu, 6/22/20:
Tony: This is such a nice gesture. Thank you so much for sharing, especially the movie. I appreciate the fact that you always maintain the right focus, the right attitude, and that you stand up for what is right, no matter what difficulties come down your way. Please keep up the good work!
[at the time Department Head, Dept. of Finance, Mays Business School]
From: Tony Okoromadu
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2020 2:39 PM
To: Sorescu [Department Head]
Cc: T.D. [Assistant Dept. Head]; Donnell, C.C. [Assistant Dept. Head]
Subject: Humbled. Very humbled.
Dear Sorin,
I thought this was important to communicate to you, and to Tim and Cydney as well. Today presented another occasion for me to be grateful for the opportunity fate has handed me to be part of Mays and the Texas A&M teaching faculty.
I got out of the car earlier this (Saturday) morning, accompanied by Lisa, in the parking lot of a coffee shop where we were (supposedly) going to grab brunch. Just over from us was a group of college students with flowers, balloons and boxes of what seemed like cake and cookies; I thought they were raising money for some cause and smiled and exchanged what I intended to be brief pleasantries. What I didn’t know was that they were all students in my [remote, via Zoom] summer FINC 341 class, and that they had sought Lisa out on Facebook and communicated to her that they would like to surprise me with some gesture this weekend to show gratitude for our summer classes. These students had planned this among themselves, it turned out, and decided that those who lived in College Station would represent what they termed the majority of the class and buttonhole me in the parking lot, in league with my wife, Lisa. (Context, apparently, was that on some online forum the class created, a student had expressed uncomplimentary suggestions about me and the rest of the forum had come down strongly against that view; they decided they should reassure the professor that his efforts and approach to the class were appreciated. The whole class - they said - then contributed money towards the gesture.)
I was surprised, moved, encouraged and, above all, profoundly humbled by their initiative. In one of their communications with Lisa, one of them had apparently said that what they saw in our classes made them proud to be part of A&M and motivated them to be competent professionals and decent human beings.
I know I have said this more than once and so I don’t wish you to think I do so with the words becoming more bereft of meaning every time, I do not: I truly am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the team we've got at the department and today was another important reminder of the influence our actions - even when seemingly prosaic and quotidian - have on these young adults and thereafter the society we intend for them to forge.
Attached below are some media and screenshots relating to today’s magnanimous gesture by our students. I hope this puts a smile on your faces and helps remind you that the hard work you three put into organizing and running the department does not go unacknowledged in its positive consequences.
With kind regards,

Professor Tony,
I can honestly say there has not been a person on my mind more than you have been. First I want to wish you a belated Christmas and New Year, you contributed to a great deal of my success last year and I wish I had reached out sooner. Your mentorship is something I cherish and am lucky to have.
Good news is that I've managed to mitigate most, if not all of the issues I was facing and I can attribute most of that success to our meetings last semester.
I am in Houston with my father but I hope I can drop in before the semester begins and check in.
I hope you and your family are doing well and are staying safe.
Masters of Science Economics
Texas A&M University
Howdy Professor,
hope all is going well today! I wanted to reach out today to thank you for this semester. I enjoyed your thoughts, perspectives, and insights in both classes throughout the semester. I also respect and applaud how you conduct your class and break away from the norms of the school system we grew up in. I felt like I have learned to look at scenarios and problems differently and more effectively because of the things and way you taught. I would also like to thank you for pushing me and cold calling on me in class on numerous occasions. Thank you for your dedication to educating us, and I wish you the best.
Thank you,

[From a professor colleague in the Mays Business School’s Department of Management]
I wanted to also tell you that in my Honors Business Strategy class, a number of students were talking about what a great and relevant instructor you are… your students love your authenticity and dedication. Just thought you should know.
Looking forward to bumping into you soon!
[FINC 341: Business Finance. Online.]
Good afternoon, Professor Okoromadu!
I just want to thank you and let you know that you are doing a great job.
I work everyday right now during the summer and I greatly appreciate you recording the lectures so I can watch them when I get off [work]. I also appreciate you trying to help me on the first day of class when my Zoom would not connect. I know some people in the Zoom recordings have voiced their frustrations, but the way you teach really does make sense and it helps me. I did not make the best grade on my exam, (I made a 55), but it helped me to realize that I need to utilize the office hours more and study harder on the formulas on my own time.
I really do think I am grasping the concept of what you are teaching in class! I work both at HEB and at the Vet Med Teaching Hospital here at A&M in the finance/purchasing sector, and some of the things you taught in class, I can already see apply to me in my real life job!
I'm not saying this to try and get brownie points or anything like that, I just wanted to reaffirm you and let you know that your method of teaching is quite helpful to most students, and to keep up the good work!
Thank you,
VMTH Student Technician
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital | Texas A&M University
[FINC 629: Financial Management I]
Hi Professor Okoromadu,
I was saddened to hear today that you would no longer be teaching our FINC 629 class. While I do not know the situation, I just wanted to let you know that I and many of my friends in the class thoroughly enjoyed your teachings. We appreciated how you implemented real-world examples to make us understand the concepts and make them more interesting. I hope all is well with you, and we will miss you in class going forward.
Best Wishes,
Good morning!
I have no idea how I didn’t realize this before now, but my little sister is taking your finance (FINC 341 - Business Finance) course! She started explaining how incredible her professor was and how she feels like there is something new about life that she takes away from every class. Come to find out, you are her professor and it all made sense! Her name is (…) and she is living in College Station this summer and taking stats in person at Mays. I am so thankful she gets to have you this summer, especially for finance 341!
I also showed her the wedding video you made of you and your wife’s beautiful celebration in Rome. So incredible!
Best of luck with the summer!
Hi Tony,
I hope you are well and are having a great summer. I saw your email and am sad to see you leave the CFP. I wanted to reach out and let you know that you have made a real difference in my life. There are few teachers or professors throughout my life who I will always credit with a portion of my hopeful future success, and you are without a doubt one of the major ones on that list. From the first class I took with you, (FINC 341 - Business Finance), your positive outlook on life and love for what you do made me feel like I could do anything I put my mind to. I appreciate how you challenge your students, not to make their lives hard, but because you truly believe that they are capable of anything. You make us feel like we are. Your emails to your students are inspiring and reassuring, and made me keep pushing and reminded me to never give up.
When you continued to call and text me during and after my mom's surgery to see how she was doing, it really made me feel like I had someone in my corner at a school as large as A&M. You have an incredible ability to listen when someone is in a dilemma, and guide them to make their own decision. People like you are the reason so many students at A&M succeed, and I am extremely lucky to have had your guidance. I truly hope we can stay in touch. My parents also send their thanks to you.
Thank you again,
Hello Tony,
I want to thank you for such a great semester. These past few semesters have come with many challenges, but you have been so good about working with us students to make sure all of our needs are met.
You have truly made a great impact on not just my educational experience, but my life as a whole. I cannot thank you enough for meeting with me a few weeks back and offering your advice and instilling confidence within me.
I hope you have the best summer and I look forward to seeing you in person in the Fall.
Professor Okoromadu,
I just wanted to say thank you for being such a great professor this semester. You provided me guidance when my head was not in the right place and made me feel like it was okay to express my feelings. Not only that, but you were super accommodating with my circumstances and helped me wherever you could. I really can't thank you enough and am super grateful to have you as my professor for two of my classes this semester. It is sad that our time has come to end but I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Cheers!
Hello Professor!
I was one of your students in international finance last spring semester. You wrote me a letter of recommendation for a scholarship. I received it! It allowed me to start my law school journey. I am now three weeks away from finishing my first year. I wanted to thank you for being part of getting me to where I am at today. Thank you once again!
Best wishes,
Howdy Professor,
My name is R.M., and I am a mentor in FRWD. You spoke at our meeting last week, and I can't express to you enough the gratitude I have for that. You have inspired me to continue to think and be introspective with the thought-provoking questions you asked. I now wish I was a finance major so that I could partake in your class.
I would again like to thank you for an enriching conversation, especially in regards to "cancel culture". I am also eager to read [Dostoyevsky's] Crime and Punishment and believe that it, too, will enlighten me! I hope we can somehow keep in touch!
With kind regards,
Good afternoon,
I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that I am so sorry about the lack of overall participation in the past few class sessions. I was called on last week, and shared that I was shy before giving my response. I hoped that by emailing you, I could reassure you that I have prepared material for every class and am very much enjoying the content and appreciate you facilitating meaningful conversations. However, I get very nervous to speak up over Zoom and I wanted to apologize for that coming across as a lack of interest. Your encouragement in response to me sharing that I am shy was very meaningful to me, and going forward I will work on speaking up.
I remember taking your Finance 350 class last year and in one particular instance, I left class and shared with my mom that I had never experienced such compassion in a finance course. I am attaching my timeline that I prepared before today's class. In short, I felt I owed it to you to let you know that I am incredibly appreciative of the learning that you are facilitating, and from now on, I will muster the courage to speak up and share what I have prepared. I hope you have a nice and restful weekend.
Hi Professor Okoromadu,
I just wanted to thank you for this semester! I realize with the challenges of online learning for students comes even more of a challenge for professors. I wish I had had the opportunity to have taken your course under normal circumstances. Regardless, it still easily became my favorite college class I've taken. You taught us so much and I can't thank you enough for how engaged you always were with your students, and how you could make any topic intriguing! It did not go unappreciated!
Merry Christmas!
[Professor Okoromadu,
I can’t thank you enough for meeting with me this morning. You have no idea how much you eased my nerves and built my confidence. I am so looking forward to getting to know you better throughout the semester and beyond!
Thank you for all of the advice. I am going into Career Fair feeling good. Have a great rest of your week. I am sure I will be in touch soon.

International Business / International Finance (undergraduate & graduate)
Dear professor,
I am writing this to let you know how grateful I am to have chosen your subject in my exchange program, little did I know how the journey was going to be, and yet at times when I didn't believe in myself you made me feel better and were always by my side.
Your style of teaching inspires students to learn more about the concept rather than just prepare for an exam or test. This was all new to me and maybe I made the same mistake that I mentioned above.
I'm really grateful to have been your student and will always remember your words.
And yes, I will not panic professor.
If you feel to know more about the guru, whose photo that I gifted you, here's the link which gives you all the information you need.
Thank you again.
[Exchange student from India]
Hi Professor,
I just wanted to write you this email to express my gratitude for teaching our class. Thank you for leading us through the thought provoking sessions over the various articles. It was truly a different course structure than I was used to, which in my opinion, resulted in positive outcomes.
Thanks again, and cheers,
Hello Professor Okoromadu,
I hope all is well. My name is (…) and I was in your FINC 645 course. For reference, I was the girl who was almost always in your office hours and the one who cried after her first and final exam. I wanted to email you regarding our conversation last Friday. The one where I was stressed/frustrated about getting a C [grade] (…). Afterwards, we had a long conversation about me seeing a specialist for my dyslexia and how I should have more confidence in myself. I wanted to say, first, thank you for everything you have done for me this semester and for all the confidence speeches you have given me. In addition, regarding that conversation, I wanted to update you. I had an appointment with a specialist Saturday (very pricey btw) and they told me that I might definitely have anxiety and that I might also have ADHA as it goes along with dyslexia, so they tested me for that as well. I will get the results back at the end of this month. Understanding this gives me a lot more confidence in myself and I just thought you might be interested in knowing (I'll keep you posted with my results).
Again, I wanted to say thank you for being an understanding professor and for all your help this semester :).
Kind Regards,
I mostly wanted to say thank you for a great semester. I’ve been engaged in 2 different international internships this semester, so your class was critical to my success in both. I also loved your teaching style - it was the reason I felt comfortable to participate as much as I did.
I hope I did not over speak during the semester/ take away too much time from peers, please forgive me if that was the case. I would like to stay in touch moving forward. For one of my internships, I am writing research papers for a think tank in Cameroon regarding several different topics, and your opinion on them would be invaluable.
Thank you, Dr. Okoromadu. Your class has been brilliant.
Howdy Professor!
Thank you so much for staying late for office hours. I appreciate how you are so giving of your time to ensure students are best prepared for exams. Spending the time to go over previous exams was very beneficial, and I can't thank you enough for the time you have given.
Thank You!
Hi Professor Okoromadu,
I really enjoyed your International Finance class this past fall even with all the issues zoom learning brought. You kept me entertained by your numerous stories and I was so excited to participate in your class (which isn't always the case [with my classes]). Your class was my first experience into the world of international business and prompted my interest which has been super beneficial in my career thus far. I am now working in an international role in the automotive sector and continuously remembering all the mergers/acquisitions in the car industry from our outside readings. Due to this excitement, I am now looking to pursue my master's which has an emphasis on international finance.
All the best,
Dear Professor Okoromadu,
Thank you so much for such a wonderful semester of FINC 445. It was truly one of my favorite courses that I have taken during my time at A&M. I can honestly say that I feel more prepared to enter the "real world" and have become a better global citizen after taking your course. Thank you for being a professor that truly cares about your students' learning and development. Your passion for teaching shone through in not only the countless hours put into preparing case studies but how you interacted with us students in the classroom. It was a joy and a privilege to get to learn from you this semester.
Thank you again for allowing me flexibility throughout the semester when it came to having to miss a few classes for law school events. As I promised to keep you updated, I wanted to let you know that I will be moving to Washington D.C. after all, as I have recently been accepted into Georgetown Law. This has always been a dream of mine, with its prime location in D.C. and robust international law program. Because of your class, I feel even more passionate about pursuing a career in international law and am looking forward to what the future holds. I could not have gotten to this point without your flexibility and understanding and for that, I am grateful.
I wish you all the best. Thank you for being such a great professor!
Howdy, Tony!
I hope you are doing well. I wanted to reach out and thank you for teaching me this semester. I gained a lot of insight from reading and hearing about the real-life business cases in your class! I especially loved the speakers' day--Shiva and Juliet [European Investment Bank, Luxembourg] both had incredible experiences and wisdom that I learned from and will use in the future. I feel more prepared to enter the professional world and to use what I have learned from you. I will have to visit your office next semester to update you on my internship!
Thank you again for a wonderful semester, and I hope you have a great summer!
A.N. '22
Professor Okoromadu,
Thank you so much for your understanding.
It was such a joy learning from you both in this class [FINC 350 - Ethics] and international finance. I have taken a great deal of lessons on how to have a global mindset. I also wanted to let you know I got many messages from freshmen after your speaker session with FRWD on how impactful and insightful they found it! Although I won't be an official staff member in FRWD next year, I'll definitely visit if you come speak again in the future. Thank you for also encouraging me to speak up in class, I appreciate the push :)
Have a great summer,
Professor Okoromadu,
No worries at all, I think it all worked out just fine. I am happy with how I did on the final, and greatly appreciate my takeaways from your course. Having lived abroad for a few years, I really enjoyed getting to broaden my horizons of finance and business on the international stage. Thank you for a great semester, and have a great summer!
Best regards,
Dear Professor Okoromadu,
With this email, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and my appreciation for you and for the course you are in charge of.
Since day one, I could feel the commitment and the passion you put into your job, and the attention you pay to your students. I deeply appreciated the topics proposed and the teaching method adopted, which I found greatly modern and critical-thinking engaging.
I strongly believe this experience has made me grow and helped to develop myself, both academically and in terms of skills, and this was undoubtedly possible also thanks to you.
When I come back to Italy, I'll start looking for a summer internship, and companies usually require a reference letter. I would be extremely honored if you could write one for me.
It has been an honor to be your student.
With great admiration,
[Exchange student from Italy]
Good afternoon professor,
My exam says it was late because I submitted it at 1:32 instead of 1:30. Truly sorry I lost track of time as I thought the window closed at 1:35 instead, simple error. Hopefully, this is permissible since I only took 46 minutes to complete the exam.
Side note: This was one of my favorite classes this semester. I'm bound to reflect on this class as my goal is to go into finance globally. I truly appreciated it!
Professor Okoromadu,
After finishing my exam, I want to thank you for accommodating me and allowing me to restart my exam. I do realize the syntactical components of exam taking for students is completely on the student, and I will definitely remember to over engineer my test taking in the future with this lesson learned(the not so hard way this time fortunately). But I really do want to thank you for relieving the immense amount of stress I had after my connection went out, and appreciate the fact you understood the circumstance! Additionally, I would like to apologize for the poorly worded email I sent at first which was the adrenaline typing.
While I'm at it, I want to thank you for an overall great semester in IBUS. There are definitely finance professors here that I'm sure love their job, but I felt that you treated finance as more than a job but also a hobby/passion, and I feel that approach is something great to follow for any career that someone wants to stay in for the long run like myself with finance. I also need to thank you for giving me the pass to attend the trading competition earlier this year as that was a great experience. To summarize, thank you for the accommodations and your knowledge!
J. B.C.
Thank you so much! I appreciate your accommodation. Overall, thank you for a great semester and a fun class. I feel like this course has given me real-world competencies and knowledge I hope to expand upon and use in the future, as I am definitely interested in the more macroeconomic side of finance. Have a great summer!
Dear Sir,
I hope all is well with you.
I just wanted to reach out to you to say that I have really been enjoying your classes, I find them extremely insightful and I love reading the selected articles + analyzing them. I am currently in Hong Kong (due to visa reasons) and the class is 2.30am which therefore makes it difficult to engage more often due to the fact that I am in quarantine for 3 weeks with my sister. Just wanted to update you and inform you that I wish I could interact more but it is not ideal at the moment. It is not a sign that I am not engaged.
Hope you understand and have a lovely rest of your Monday.
Kind regards,
[Exchange student from the United Kingdom]
Hi Tony,
Thank you very much for your recommendation, I can honestly say that I am deeply touched by your words and the thoughts you have of me. As the past couple of weeks have been quite busy (as I can understand yours have been as well), your words have really lifted my spirits and inspired me to continue working hard at what I aim to achieve. I do not believe that my words can express the gratitude I feel for the time and work, and the thoughts, you put into this recommendation for me.
I sincerely hope that I will be able to continue to implement your teachings in my professional life after I finish my Master, and more importantly, that I remember to continue to be inspired by the positive attitude with which you engaged in your work and with your students.
I hope to continue to stay in touch and that we meet again sometime.
Kind regards
[Exchange student from Denmark]
[About the class session with guest speakers from the European Investment Bank, Luxembourg]
Hello Professor Okoromadu,
As we discussed today in class, I wanted to provide feedback on the guest speakers. I believe they were both great and it was different to hear their perspectives from working in Europe compared to the United States. I enjoyed hearing Shiva’s experience working at J.P Morgan in New York with her going also in depth regarding the cultural difference of working in the private sector compared to the public sector. I resonated with her experience as I will be starting my career in New York at Bank of America that I mentioned during our conversation. I also enjoyed Juliet’s perspective on the future investments in the industry regarding digital currency and blockchain. I agreed with her regarding the future of currencies going digital as we are evolving as a society. I also really enjoyed hearing very good advice regarding their wealth of experience in the industry.
Best, B.G.
[About the class session with guest speakers from the European Investment Bank, Luxembourg]
Hi Professor Okoromadu!
I just wanted to tell you that my computer died right at the end of class, so I had to log in on my phone, but don’t think I missed too much at the end.
Thank you so much for inviting them to class - I’m so thankful for opportunities like that to learn from very successful women in such impressive jobs, while raising a family. They were so informative, yet also very personable and humble.
Thanks again!
[About the class session with guest speakers from the European Investment Bank, Luxembourg]
Professor Okoromadu,
I thoroughly enjoyed today's guest speakers! What an honor to hear from such accomplished and well-spoken women.
I wanted to thank you for the arrangement and let you know a group of us discussed how much we enjoyed their insight right after class.
Dear Professor Okoromadu,
I want to thank you again so much for a great semester! I learned so much from you (from finance topics to better student listening skills and even just how to take notes by waiting to summarize after in my own words!). I again so greatly appreciate all the time you took to answer my MANY MANY questions hahah! It means so much to have a professor like you who truly cares for his students and for our learning/growth! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and blessed New Year!
Thank you,
I hope the end of the semester treated you well. We exchanged a few emails before our 3rd exam in FINC 445 because I had informed you I had tested positive for Covid and was not well enough to take the exam. I wanted to reach out and say I appreciated your understanding of my situation and the flexibility you gave me to take the exam at a later time. I was stressed at the time and your kind emails allowed me to focus on getting better instead of panicking about a test. I did not want your kindness to go unrecognized!
Have a great break!
Hi Professor!
I just finished my exam and it looks like everything saved and submitted correctly, but there were a few minutes when my e-campus froze and showed this message. I just wanted to make sure everything looks correct on your end because my only grade showing is my final exam!
I also wanted to thank you for a wonderful semester. Although studying for finals can be stressful, it is also an exciting time when things from the beginning of the semester start to click with things learned later in the semester. This was especially relevant in this class as well as my other finance class this semester. I loved your style of teaching and found the articles very interesting and much more relevant to the topic we were learning about.
I hope you have a lovely break and Holiday season with your family!
I just wanted to thank you for the great semester with FINC 645. I really enjoyed the material during the course and I hope you have a great Winter Break!
Thank you,
G. D.
Hi Professor,
Much better the second time around! Thank you for your quick response in addressing the quite crazy, unforeseeable issue. It was nice to discover I was not the only one with troubles.
I am, admittedly, sad to see a class I have enjoyed so much coming to a close soon. Despite this, I will look forward to seeing you in class on Wednesday to savor every minute! Thank you for your continued efforts in delivering such a fruitful, rewarding class.
Kind regards,
Professor Okoromadu,
Not a problem at all! I understand my email was not an urgent matter, that doesn’t mean you didn’t want to get back to me!
Thanks for this response and your class in general.
Learning how to read through dense financial articles like The Economist has been invaluable! No one ever taught me how to go through these with an analytical mindset!
I have already applied this kind of thinking to my corporate financial analyst internship with JPM Chase—with great results.
Best Regards,
Dear Professor Okoromadu,
Thank you for a great summer session 1 of class. International Finance was one of my favorite classes I ever took at A&M. Even though this was not a traditional class you made the class incredibly interesting and I learned a ton! Even though I am graduating in August I will have to stop by and say hi when I am back in Aggieland.
Have a great rest of the summer!
Best regards,
Dear Professor Okoromadu,
I just wanted to reach out and thank you for the last month of class. International Finance is arguably my favorite class I have taken at A&M now. It may not have been in a traditional setting but you made it enjoyable and I learned A TON!
I hope you have a great rest of the summer and even though I am graduating in August hopefully I will see you again!
Best regards,
Professor Okoromadu,
I cannot put into words how truly thankful I am for you granting me the 2% participation points as well as the kind words you have shared. This is an exceptional blessing and I am grateful for the international perspective you have given me over the course of the semester. Truly it is something which I will take with me throughout my entire Banking career. I hope you have a fantastic summer and remain safe amongst this pandemic.
With Gratitude,
Howdy Dr. Okoromadu!
I wanted to thank you for a great semester in IBUS 446 and FINC 350. I really enjoyed the cases and readings that we studied in both classes and can honestly say that my last semester at Texas A&M would not have been the same without this class. I hope you are staying safe and well and hope that we cross paths again in the future. Thank you!
Best regards,
Hi Professor Okoromadu,
Hope you and your family are doing well.
I just finished the final exam in your class online, and wanted to reach out to you. I made a 98% on it! I worked really hard in your class, stayed confident, and I learned a lot from you - I am so happy to have received an A!!
Thank you very much for always being open to talk to me in your office hours this semester (even after spring break, in your Zoom office hours), and for answering my numerous questions. I really appreciate it. Students like me really value professors like you, and the time you take to help students really understand the material does not go unnoticed.
I am disappointed the end of my senior year had to be like this, but I am excited to start the next chapter of my life. I will be moving to Dallas in July to start my full time job at J.P. Morgan Chase, however if I am ever back at Wehner again, I will surely try and stop by your office to see if you are in to say hello!
Thank you again for everything, and I hope you have a safe and healthy summer!!
Hi Tony,
Just want to say thank you, your class has been one of the most interesting classes I took during my exchange at A&M. I wouldn't say this semester is super pleasant due to coronavirus but I learnt a lot. I went back to Indonesia last March and was super annoyed that I couldn't travel a lot during my stay in the US. However, I got the experience and saw the difference between west/east type of learning which is super interesting.
I would say your class is super fun and super intriguing as we gotta read a lot of things (difficult readings). To be honest, I never read as many articles for one course as much as I did during this course, but it was super fun. The discussion in class helped a lot with understanding the alien language of financial readings. Could not join any Zoom classes due to the 12 hours difference, but the material taught is super useful and enjoyable. Keep doing what you're doing!
Stay healthy
Best Regards,
[Exchange student from Hong Kong]
Howdy Professor,
First and foremost, I hope you and your family are doing well and that you all are enjoying your Easter weekend! But mainly I just wanted to reach out and let you know that I am very grateful for all of the above and beyond efforts you have been enduring. As you might remember from an email earlier this semester, I've been working full-time hours as a pharmacy technician, which usually doesn't comply with the live zoom sessions. This usually means that I get the luxury of seemingly working two jobs, one during the day and then studies at night/weekends. I know it is not required for you to post your lectures but I want to let you know that you are at the very least helping one student (myself) out so very much by doing so! Also, the graciousness of keeping exams open for 24 hours is a blessing. Thank you, your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Stay safe and wash your hands, it's getting crazy out there.
Hi Mr. Okoromadu!
I never got a chance to thank you for a wonderful semester. I thoroughly enjoyed your class and all of the captivating topics we discussed.
I've prepared a little something for you to share with your family but I am in need of a good address to send it to. Where would you like me to mail it to? It has to do with a project I am working on and I hope to share more about it with you next semester sometime when our plates are not so full. Are you a tea or coffee drinker?
Thank you again for a wonderful semester and I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season!
Hi Professor,
I know a few days have passed since your class has ended but I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your class. I have taken away knowledge beyond just the scope of the class material including always pursuing to learn things not because someone tells you to but because they are interesting. Thank you for ensuring me that everything will work itself out in the end whether it be grades or professional pursuits. As graduation looms around the corner next Spring, I'll be sure to wear the right hat as I begin my career and for moments in the future!
All the best, K.P.
Dear Professor Okoromadu,
I want to thank you for such a great semester. Your class has by far been one of the best I have taken over my past 4 years at A&M. I learned so much from your course, from exchange rates to wearing the right hat. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and thank you again!
I just wanted to email you and thank you for a great semester. I am a senior and have had many great professors, but you are definitely the best one I’ve had. You are such a genuine person and have such an infectious smile. I honestly think that I learned more about business and finance in your class than I have in my first three years here. I have always hated reading, especially for classes, but I really started to enjoy reading finance articles for 445. I have even started watching videos and reading on my own now about different finance topics. I know we have only spoken a handful of times, but you have had a positive impact in my life. I just wanted to send this to let you know and to say thank you. Also, I am considering buying a few books to read and I know that you love to read, so I was wondering if you had any recommendations.
I just wanted to thank you for your help this semester!
I found the time we met to go over the exams very beneficial and I enjoyed chatting with you about other things too!
I felt quite good about the final so I am crossing my fingers that my score reflects that.
Thanks again!
Best, E.P.
Hi Dr. Okoromadu,
I just wanted to express how thankful I am for you taking the time to meet with me for office hours the past few weeks and for setting up accommodations for me to take the final exam. Your kindness did not go unnoticed. Not often do I find that professors truly do everything they can for their students to succeed the way you have. So thank you again for everything. I will truly miss this course and having you as my professor. Hope you have a great holiday break with your family!
This course had a more profound learning impact on me than most other courses have. Professor Okoromadu focuses on learning rather than grades, and his class reflects that important distinction. While I am sure many will complain about hard questions, a flexible course outline, and other grievances, this class is a more accurate representation of real-world expectations and learning than traditional classes at A&M. It was a break from the bureaucracy, and a refreshing change of pace from the many classes I have taken, excelled in, and forgotten everything I memorized the moment the semester ended. College courses too often focus on regurgitating memorized information with little or no understanding of the underlying concepts that are crucial to real learning.
While a rigid class schedule makes planning on the student's part easier, I believe it only contributes to the problem. Students calculate the bare minimum they need in order to achieve a desired letter [grade] on the transcript, and ignore the actual purpose of the class. In practice, having such a rigid structure for learning makes no sense; some people learn at different paces, and the professor has no way of knowing how a class will respond when he/she sets a syllabus before even meeting the students or teaching the first class. I have truly enjoyed this class, and feel like I have been able to learn more due to Professor Okoromadu's efforts to promote learning rather than regurgitating. Thanks for a great semester.
Business Ethics (undergraduate)
It has been a great privilege to take your class, Professor Okoromadu. Thank you very much for the encouragement during difficult times and the wisdom to see that everything will work out in the end. I will do my best to remember your lessons throughout my life.
Howdy Professor Okoromadu,
I came into your office today to thank you for your teaching this semester and we had a very positive discussion about how the class went. We talked about what I learned from it and how I will take it with me going forward into my life. I wanted to reiterate what I said as I felt it was important to write it down.
I really appreciated the way you were able to open up the class to discussion and allowed us to freely express our opinion and thoughts on specific subjects. It was your ability to set a precedent and tone that allowed us to discuss these topics in a civil and professional matter. This allowed the class the opportunity to hear other people's perspectives in a respectful environment even if they didn't agree with them. In addition, the way you flowed the discussion to where it was able to stay and maintain a civil discourse.
Your strategy was able to produce very thought provoking discussion and allowed for a transfer of information between my peers that otherwise would not have occurred. This structure allowed for people to keep an open mind and challenge their own deep-rooted beliefs instead of just ignoring others because it doesn't align with their views. I found this method of discussion important and I feel that it is imperative for this to transpire on a greater scale so that we can communicate in a society where people listen to what others have to say. Thanks for a great semester and I hope you have a wonderful life.
All the best,
[Addressed to the Head of Department]
After attending a recent FINC 350 class, I struck up a brief conversation with Professor Okoromadu about how I wished his class could be longer, a sentiment he encouraged me to share with you as a decision on FINC 350 was being made in the coming weeks. I hope my message is not reaching you too late, but I would be remiss if I did not attempt to share my opinion regardless.
First off, I have thoroughly enjoyed every class in FINC 350 and the environment Professor Okoromadu has created. His class feels quite unique among the many other courses I have taken at Mays, and frankly offers much more substance than I expected from a course I initially enrolled in as a way to mark off my writing intensive credit. However, often it seems that Professor Okoromadu finds himself unable to both cover his curriculum and provide ample time for discussion in only 50 minutes a week.
This course is challenging, not in a sense of it being work intensive or requiring the mastery complicated formulas and financial concepts, but in that it challenges us as business students to truly think through every decision we make. Professor Okoromadu’s course has reminded me personally that every decision I make in my business career will have real life consequences. We as students often are so overwhelmed with the financial and economic numbers, we forget that those numbers can represent real people and their entire livelihoods. This phenomena seems to travel with us as we enter the financial world, and I believe this class greatly assists in combating that.
Mays produces leaders. Boasting a number of Fortune 500 CEOs rivaling Ivy League schools proves that. As leaders we must to consider every possible impact of the decisions we make on those around us. When we find times for discussions in this course they often times becomes uncomfortable or animated, which to me proves that they are working. The diverse array of opinions present in any given room is a strength that must be capitalized on. I believe we need these uncomfortable conversations to occur more frequently in the formative years of our career paths, which is why I implore the often innovative faculty at Mays to increase the time allotted to this course, especially as ESG initiatives become more prevalent in the business world.
I appreciate your taking the time to read my lengthy commentary, and hope it has not reached you too late.
Best Wishes,
Howdy Professor Okoromadu,
I wanted to say thank you for being honest and challenging my thought processes throughout class. Most professors skirt around issues to avoid conflict but there were numerous occasions in which you challenged me, which resulted in me becoming more aware of my critical thinking and reasoning.
Hope you have a great break,
Hello again,
First of all, I want to thank you so much for giving me grace on that deadline. You allowed me to be home with my family and be fully present at a time when it was most important, and for that I am incredibly grateful! [Grandfather was dying and student was able to travel and be with him as he passed.]
Second of all, I have finished the assignment and uploaded the video to PitchVantage as instructed. I have also included a PDF attachment of my paper below, as the submission is closed on Canvas. If you would prefer me to upload to Canvas, please let me know! I want to do whatever is best and easiest for you. I'm also aware there was a Turnitin requirement for the assignment, which I would of course want to fulfill.
I enjoyed completing this assignment and working on my speaking skills, and I thank you for a wonderful semester as well.
Thank you again for your patience and grace with me,
I wanted to start off by saying that I signed up for this class at a perfect time in my life. I don't know if you remember me but I'm the one who gave you some recommendations on books that I was reading! In August, I found out that I had not signed up for classes, even though I had created a worksheet and believed that I had done so... to my disappointment, I had not done it and started freaking out about how I had let such an important thing go. In reality, I started to blame the fact that it had been a crazy semester, I had work all the time, or I was busy with family stuff but then found myself with the book of "Atomic Habits". That is when I found out that I wanted to start actually figuring out where I made the decision to not follow through with a responsibility, rather than to fall behind trying to find excuses. Then your class came around and let me tell you, I have never been so excited to wake up on Friday mornings. Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself because I feel that this class is bringing me great potential to better myself and my habits both in the workplace and at home. I wanted to tell you that I appreciate a professor who loves what he teaches and allows students to speak up!
Thank you so much!
It is very relieving that I know going to your class, I will be able to understand and apply the ethics not only applying to workplace situations but also real life situations. I just wanted to let you know that I am very happy with taking this course and cannot wait to see what else is in store! Your way of teaching and allowing discussion is honestly one I have not experienced before but I do enjoy it! I will definitely be in communication throughout the semester.
Thank You,
Hello Mr. Okoromadu,
I'm G.M., and if you recall I'm a student who took your FINC 350 course and who you interviewed near the end of the Spring 2021 semester for the Corporate Finance Program. Since I noticed that you aren't a part of the Corporate Finance Program anymore, I just wanted to drop by and say hello because I had a wonderful time getting to know you last semester.
Some important lessons that you taught me that I've taken to heart are:
1. The closest distance to a point may not always be a straight line
2. Don't worry constantly, be more confident in myself
3. The more you consistently engage in an immoral action, the more it becomes normalized and such an immoral action becomes second nature to you
I want to thank you for all that you've taught me last semester and I will take these lessons to heart, especially No.1 and No.2, as I continue my academic journey. Additionally, if you would like a reminder of who I am feel free to let me know. I hope you're having a wonderful time!
Howdy, Professor!
Firstly, I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed both your International Finance class as well as this course in ethics - you've done a fantastic job of delivering information in an accessible way.
Professor Okoromadu,
Thank you for the advice. I will be sure to try again with some different headphones a few more times either tonight or tomorrow. Also, thank you for reminding me that losing 10 points on this assignment is not too large of a hit in the grand scheme of things.
Regardless of whether I can improve my scores, I want to say thank you for this semester. Your class has truly been an enjoyable experience, even through this tail-end of Covid restrictions and that snow storm in February. I’ve learned to think critically about ethics in a way I have not done before. I also always appreciated your energy and enthusiasm every Friday morning. I hope to see you around campus next fall.
R.J. ’22
Yes thank you, that helps! For that lecture I was having zoom troubles and couldn’t get in until later. I remember speaking to you after class about this issue and you said it shouldn’t count against me or I shouldn’t worry about it. However, I completely understand the threshold you set as it’s clearly laid out, so I’m fine with accepting this. Thank you for looking over everything and teaching our class this semester despite the conditions, and hopefully I’m lucky enough to have you as a professor again sometime in the near future!
Thanks and Gig’em
Howdy Professor,
Will you be available any time on Monday afternoon for a brief office hours visit? I would like to thank you in person for the great semester. Please let me know if you have a time that works best for you.
Dear Professor Okoromadu,
I have had the privilege of being a student this semester in your financial ethics class, as well as your international finance class last semester. You have taught me a lot about values, life lessons, and how to have a positive outlook on life. I am confident that what I learned in your class will have a beneficial impact on my career for years to come. It is very rare that I have seen a professor care as much about the development and wellbeing of their students as much as you do. Please keep it up, we as students do appreciate what you do for us. I look forward to seeing you on campus next semester, and hopefully I can stop by your office and we could chat! Thank you again.
Howdy Professor Tony Okoromadu,
I really enjoyed our class today. It reminded me of a Nietzsche quote that I came across years ago:
“To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures.”
While I am not a huge Nietzsche fan, I have studied a fair amount of his work and find value in it. I agree with him in this quote in that failure is the best way to grow. Nietzsche’s wording here is a bit extreme, but I think that his point is still valid.
I couldn’t help but chuckle when you talked about your friend Frank and described him as an amateur philosopher. It reminds me of me and my roommates. Nevertheless, I cannot thank you enough for a wonderful semester. This course was very engaging and piqued some of my interests that are not typically talked about in FINC classes.
Thank you,
Howdy Professor!
I attached a link to an article below that I found very interesting. It doesn’t exclusively talk about the minimum wage, but it does cover it a decent amount. The article is written by one of the initial investors in Amazon and discusses the potential ramifications of the widening wealth gap in America. I thought I should pass it along since it is somewhat related to our discussion last week. I also wanted to thank you for allowing us to discuss those topics as a class. It was my favorite session of the semester and I hope we can have more like that going forward!
Dear Professor Okoromadu,
Thank you very much for extending grace and as a result, allowing me to graduate! You have truly saved my career before it even began. I also would like to thank you for your time spent educating our class on ethics both in the office and life in general. It is a difficult subject to teach, especially to my generation, but I think you did a great job making it both engaging and relevant to what we experience in our daily lives.
Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Thank you!
I also wanted to say thank you for an intriguing, enlightening semester. I appreciate professors like you who attend in person classes and make the most out of these times. I had a great experience in FINC 350.
I hope you are doing well and staying safe. I am emailing you in light of our final project for your business ethics class. What an incredible time to take that course and, specifically, have that prompt. I saw in the news today that the price for a COVID drug is upwards of $2000, for a pandemic that will certainly affect poor countries who can not afford that drug. I'd even argue that many more outside of poor countries can not afford that price tag!
Anyways, I thought that was very interesting and I have not quite collected my thoughts on it yet. Also, it's incredible to take our in-class paper and apply what I said I would do to a current real world example.
That being said, thank you for this course!
Corporate Finance (undergraduate)
Hello Professor Okoromadu,
I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to let you know how much I feel that I have learned from your Finance 341 class that I took during the first summer session, in particular, the final “mini-project.”
Since the time I completed your course, I have began taking Supply Chain 364 during the second summer session. As part of the class, we have to use Excel to find the NPV and IRR of several cash flows. I feel that having taken your class and successfully completed the mini-project has given me a leg up on must of my peers: I was shocked to find that a friend of mine taking the SCMT 364 with me (who has previously gotten an A in Finance 341 with another professor) did not know how to do this.
Furthermore, when I visited home last week, my dad was curious about how my classes had gone and I told him about the project. He said that learning how to calculate the IRR, MIRR, and NPV of a project is something that he uses as a standard part of his job. I really do feel that I have learned not only the foundation and basic principles of Finance from your course, but also how to apply it. Thank you again for all you have done for me and others like myself.
Enjoy the rest of your summer,
I wanted to thank you for being so committed, interested, available, and overall responsive throughout this course. As students we can only hope for scholars that will teach out of genuine interest and understanding for the importance of the subject matter and I believe you did just that.
Thank you! Best wishes to the rest of your Summer and upcoming semester.
Thank you for everything sir. It was a pleasure in being in your class.
You truly made finance more enjoyable!
Have an awesome summer!
Professor Okoromadu,
your class turned Finance from something I’ve dreaded into something I enjoy understanding. I loathed that [final exam] project but I admit it made me understand better than the tests did. In the end, I learned more from it than the entire rest of the class material combined. I suppose I wouldn’t be writing this email if I hadn’t received an A but I truly am grateful for your time and effort you poured into us. I hope you have a great rest of the year!
Hello again!
Sorry for the late email (…) I wanted to thank you so much again. Coming in I knew I wanted a good grade for this class as a self goal due to not doing so well last semester and wanting to change my habits. I did not do very well on the first two exams because I was not utilizing the TA hours and extra material given. However, after the second exam I was a changed student and went to all the tutoring hours that my work schedule allowed, and did very well on the third exam and feel as though I did well on this project. Thank you so much for investing the extra time and material and constantly reminding us not to freak out about this class! I know I along with other students really appreciated all the extra time you along with your TA's put into us! I hope you have a great summer!
Wish you the best!
Thank you for your quick response.
This class was indeed very difficult for me, but I still feel like I have walked away with a clearer understanding of financial concepts and I am excited to see how I use them as I continue moving forward into adulthood and independence. I really appreciate your teaching style and will miss listening to everything you had to say regarding coursework as well as the life lessons mentioned in the lectures (latin phrases, cultural differences, history lessons, the structure of an opera, etc).
I hope your Fourth of July weekend was a fun time and that you have a fantastic rest of your summer!
Hello Professor Okoromadu!
First of all I want to say that I thoroughly enjoyed being in your class, I was very impressed with the progress I made thanks to you pushing us.
Thank you again,
Howdy Professor Okoromadu,
Also, I wanted to mention that at the beginning of this course I absolutely bombed my first exam, and since then have excelled. I have gained so much confidence in myself throughout this course, and have excelled on my past two exams. Thank you for hanging in there and teaching me how much confidence truly boosts you. I have learned so much about not only finance but life from you!
Thank you again,
Good Morning Professor,
First I want to start off by thanking you for a great semester. I have thoroughly enjoyed my short lived time in this class and have retained more about finance through your teachings rather than other methods in previous semesters.
With that said, something occurred during the meeting regarding the project that has bothered me throughout the day and night, which I feel inclined to address. About 45 minutes into the meeting a few of my colleagues seemed to be flooded with uncertainty which caused them to carelessly halt the progression of the meeting. This has stuck with me because I believe that through the core values Texas A&M prides itself on, this type of behavior should not be considered by a student as a course of action. To me, this was a poor way to mirror some of the uncertainties my other classmates may have had. Because of the situation I have felt the need to apologize, on behalf of many, for the actions that took place that could wrongfully reflect this class' perception on the project. With that said, I also want to thank you for the professional route you took in your responses to the behavior. I am certain that knowing when to separate work from entertainment will be a lesson learned by many as we begin working alongside one another in the years to come.
This may not have been something that bothered you or others, but I highly value respect and believe there is a respectful way to approach any situation regardless of the subject matter, especially when speaking to a professor that has continuously given 270+ students tremendous amounts of respect.
All in all, thank you for your continued patience with us throughout the semester and I look forward to using my obtained knowledge on the project that allows me to finish the story of finance for this course.
Many Thanks,
Good Afternoon Dr. Okoromadu,
My name is (…) and I am in your Finance 341 class. First of all I just want to say I love your class, I was very scared of finance coming into this course but you have made me have tons more confidence in myself and this subject!
I hope you have a nice weekend,
I just wanted to say thank you! I really appreciate your teaching style. Even though it is virtual [remote learning], I feel like it is much easier to grasp the concepts through your course than the previous FINC 341 class I attempted (which I unfortunately had to drop...). You explain things very well and make it easy to understand, I actually enjoy watching your lectures because I feel like I am learning things I will actually apply in the future, so thank you!!! Looking forward to the rest of the summer-mester.
Good evening Professor,
I got a little behind on watching lectures for this class and just spent all afternoon watching each one back to back (Honestly, I might have pushed them off due to being nervous about the content and my deep loathing for math related classes).
I honestly want to thank you for the great way you're teaching this class. For the first time since the covid mess, I feel like I am genuinely learning and actually interested in the topic, which is wild because finance is a class I have been dreading for quite some time and online asynchronous classes seem hard to pay attention to regardless of topic.
The way you have set this class up is so easy to understand as well as engaging, I wanted to keep watching more and more lectures because I was so interested in the way you have been explaining concepts that I have never really been able to understand.
I really am looking forward to the remainder of this class - thank you again for being such a fantastic educator.
I would also like to express my deep condolences for the friend who you lost recently. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you and his young family. Losses that you aren't expecting are hard to come to terms with. I hope you are all doing ok.
Again, thank you and I look forward to tomorrow's lecture!
Howdy Professor Okoromadu,
I wanted to start my introducing myself, I am (…) and I am in your summer 1 finance class. I wanted to start by thanking you for being so engaged in your class, and showing that you truly care about your students and their success. Professors like you are what make me thankful to be attending Texas A&M University.
I also wanted to reach out to you and let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m so sorry for your loss. I appreciate you for being so strong throughout these hard times. Your dedication never goes unnoticed!
Thank you professor!
Finance was not a subject that I considered myself to know much about, but I realized how much I practically knew by the end when finishing my mini-project!
Thank you for your time, knowledge and flexibility in this strange new time we're all trying to learn together. And although I'm not a Finance major, I hope to say Howdy if I see you around! :)
Best Regards,
Hi Professor Okoromadu,
Real quick I just wanted to say thank you SO much for everything you did this summer session! I could tell that you truly cared for us as students and truly wanted us to succeed in the class, given that you would bend over backwards for us to get the help that we needed. I don’t think I’ve ever had a professor who cares so deeply for all of their students, and this was evident in how you approached the class and the video lectures, and so I truly appreciate everything you did!
I am currently a finance major and will be taking FINC 350 with you in the fall and I absolutely can’t wait to have you again and (hopefully) get to meet you in person. Once again I can’t thank you enough for making a seemingly daunting class understandable and doable. Hope to see you soon!
I understand, thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Again, thank you for everything you have done. I wish all my professors were as professional and understanding as you. Have a great summer!!
[Responding to my email below:
On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 8:39 PM Tony Okoromadu <tonyokoromadu@tamu.edu> wrote:
Hi (…),
One of the most difficult things in grading is to see a good student just one point or two away from a higher grade, in your case an A, and not be able to do anything about it that would be fair to the rest of the class. It is painful for me every time, no matter how many times I encounter it. I went over your project again and couldn’t improve on your score.
Please do not be disappointed with a B, and I am impressed by your good disposition and positive outlook in this regard. As you go through life, you will see that this won’t mean a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, and your talent will not necessarily be obscured from potential career achievements because of it. You clearly are hardworking, it isn’t easy to combine a demanding job with FINC 341. You’ll do very well with the grace and optimism that you so clearly display, I have no doubt about that.]
Dear Professor Okoromadu,
I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out to you after this semester ended, actually, and thank you for all your hard work. You are truly one of the best professors i’ve had at Texas A&M. My dad always taught me growing up to approach education with understanding the concepts rather than just memorizing formulas, but I never had a professor to do such in my classes. I’m so glad I was able to experience that in your course. You were always open to questions and came to class prepared. I think you set your students up in a great position for their futures. They may feel uncomfortable at first with approaching topics conceptually because they aren’t used to it, but it’s an important way to learn; and you are the one teaching them that- so good for you.
I’m very happy for you to use my mini- project as an example for students. I’m honestly very humbled by it. Despite the project being hard, it taught me so much.
I am so thankful for all your dedication to your students and to your craft.
Thank you,
Good [evening] Professor Okoromadu,
I just wanted to say thank you for the hard work that you put in all the classes. I know it is not easy to teach a class this big online but I appreciate the effort and the office hours that you shared with me which truly helped me!. I never thought I could like finance but I was wrong.
I hope you have a great summer!
Professor Okoromadu,
My name is (…) and I was in your Finance 341 summer course. I just wanted to write to say thank you. I took Finc 341 during the spring of 2020 and I had to Q-drop the course. Coming into your class I was feeling discouraged and scared. I didn't think that I would ever be able to comprehend the concepts of finance (Let alone get A's on the exams!)
After the first day of your course, I could tell that you genuinely cared about your students. Throughout the course, you assured us that even the people who do not understand finance naturally would be able to succeed in your class. I needed a patient professor like you for Finc 341, and I'm so grateful for the encouragement that you gave me. It's a shame that this couldn't be an in-person class. I never got to speak with you one-on-one, but I wanted to let you know how you've impacted my college career. You've given me the encouragement that I needed to continue as I pursue a degree in Supply Chain Management.
You've been one of the best professors that I've ever had simply because I can tell that your heart is in teaching!(…) Thank you for a wonderful summer semester.
My health is doing ok, just hoping I make a smooth recovery. I truly appreciate you asking. I wanted to give you a big thank you for being patient with me during such inconvenient times. I can see you truly care about your students and their well being. I am thankful to have had you as my finance professor and once again I apologize for the late submission on my project. Stay safe and have a wonderful fall semester.
Howdy Professor Okoromadu,
I wasn’t able to fill out a PICA survey on time, but I really wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your class! You made the lectures enjoyable and I appreciate that you were always very patient with all of us. I wanted to thank you for being kind and extremely helpful to all of your students. I hope you have a great rest of your summer and continue to stay safe. May God bless you and your family!
Thank you,
Hi Mr Okoromadu!
I wanted to thank you for an awesome summer term !! I truly can say that I learned a lot, and took away many great life lessons from you! I appreciate your flexibility with our class and your deep understanding for all of us and our academic journeys. Sadly, I was super bummed to see that I ended with an 89 in the course ! Being so close to an A, I figured I would email you to see if there is anything I could do to bump my score one point to a 90! I completely understand if there is nothing you can do about it, but I figured there was no harm in asking!!
Again, thank you so much for being an incredible professor! You have all of my respect and I can truthfully say that you have been my favorite professor so far during my time at A&M. I wish you the best !
Thank you,
My name is (…) and I was in your FINC 341 class for Summer I. After receiving my project grade, I noticed that I am at an 89.5. I am not emailing you to dispute my grade, I just wanted to ask if it would be considered a B, or rounded to an A.
I definitely struggled on the project, but I think a large part of that was due to my procrastination. I originally took this class last semester, but q dropped when I did very poorly on the second exam. I wanted to thank you for how you taught this class, I definitely learned more and am more confident in my skills. Something that really resonated with me was that you cared about us, not just getting through the material. I'm sad that I never got to meet you in person, but I hope to drop by your office in the fall to say hello.
I hope you have a great rest of your summer!
Thank you again,
Howdy, Professor Okoromadu, I just wanted to say thank you for teaching me this course. I really enjoyed the way you taught the course in a more practical way and I learned a lot. I hope you have a great rest of your summer and stay safe.
Hello Professor Okoromadu,
I was in your Finc 341 class last summer session. I just wanted to say that you were one of the best professors I have ever had. You taught us an extremely complex subject in 3 weeks, and you did it in a way that left me feeling like I had learned as much or more than I would have if it was a full semester class. Your inspiring words every day kept me motivated and made me want to succeed. I already loved finance, but you made me love it even more. I will remember you as one of the important factors to my hopeful success in the future. I hope all is well. Stay safe and thank you again!
Good morning Professor,
Just confirming you received my second submission for Exam 3 on Monday night. I spent some time with IT this morning to try and resolve this issue so it wouldn’t happen for the fall semester. It seems as though this issue happens rarely (but still occurs) and they suggested I re-download my browser software or choose a new one as a potential remedy. I feel sorry for the inconvenience I caused you throughout this process.
On a different note, I am grateful that I was able to take your class this summer. Business Finance is a subject that I find very intriguing and you taught me essential skills that will help me grasp challenging concepts for the future. I embraced your teaching style and really appreciated the wisdom you passed along in your classes.
Best regards,
Professor Tony,
I truly appreciate your time and continuous support this semester. You have been an excellent resource and made taking this class enjoyable, and as a result I desire to pursue a masters in finance. My dad is a financial advisor, and I know he is excited, as he has been trying to convince me for quite some time.
Howdy Prof Okoromadu!
I wanted to thank you for your patience in teaching our 341 course this summer. I am aware at some point one of our classmates complained about the way you went about the course (specifically the complaint about a weekend exam). But please do not take that individuals criticism to heart!!!!
I am a marketing major for a reason - i have a hard time dealing with numbers and formula. Your teaching style was very helpful to me. I'm not quite sure how to put into words how thankful I am for your approach with the material. The positive energy you brought to class made me want to learn not only for myself but for you as well! This course was new to all of us but I believe you handled it better than anyone else would have. Creating a story helped me understand so much better, rather than only giving fact and formula. I hope you continue to do so in your other courses because coming from someone who isn't very book smart, I can say I've actually learned this material (rather than memorizing for exams alone).
This will be my senior year at our fine University. In my time spent at A&M there are a few professors that I know I will remember long after I have graduated, and you are one of them.
It's like the story you told us in one of the first classes - your ripple effect has spread to me and will definitely go far beyond.
I am 100% certain I am speaking for many by sending this thanks to you. It was a pleasure taking your course this summer and I hope to formally introduce myself in the fall if able to. Please keep teaching with the same passion, and continue on the ripple effect.
Thank you and Gig'Em
Hi Professor Okoromadu,
This is (…). I have attached an updated version of my mini-project. I submitted my very rough draft at midnight but I am not proud of the work I submitted to you at all. I apologize for my tardiness; within the last two weeks, my mom started chemotherapy again so I felt the need to spend as much time with her as possible while she's been recovering, and I definitely underestimated the time needed to complete your final. Is there anyway you could grade my updated version rather than the one I submitted on ecampus? I understand any points that would need to be taken off for being late or if you can only grade the ecampus submission.
On another note, thank you for being so encouraging during this time. You made finance so much more enjoyable because of the positivity you spread to your students!
Thank you!
Dear Mr. Okoromadu,
Thank you so much for a great summer course! I really enjoyed learning about the specifics of finance. It was very reassuring that you emphasized the need to understand the concepts as opposed to simply memorizing the formulas. This made the class much less daunting and kept me interested in learning new material. Just wanted to thank you for making this class the best that it could be. Have a great rest of your summer and wishing you safety during these times.
Good afternoon Professor Okoromadu,
The purpose of my email is to formally thank you for being the best professor that could have taught me FINC 341. Not sure if you recall, but I was considering withdrawing from your course after the first exam, but I decided to continue based on how confident you made me and the rest of my classmates feel about learning the material. Unfortunately, I have not had a professor be so encouraging and careful in how they teach, they simply just expect students to understand. Which is why I wanted to express my gratitude to you Professor Okoromadu.
Once again, thank you for being patient and so caring about the class, and for everything!
Dear Professor,
I hope this email finds you and your family well under the current circumstances.
First off, I just wanna say that i'm very thankful for your influence in my life through your lectures and all you did and said to assure us that finance is a subject that anybody can learn with a positive mindset and attitude. I really appreciate all the kindness in your heart for getting to know me on a personal level and having plenty of patience with the class throughout the course and lectures. I hope you're still okay with me getting to know you in person in the future as we previously discussed in our private chat. I look forward to shaking your hand in person and thanking you for your influence in my life not only as a student but as a young man. It is truly professors like yourself who bear a heart big enough to really touch students' hearts and minds by teaching beyond what books and subjects have to offer. Your efforts make a world of difference in students' lives like mine. I will keep your words of wisdom and advice you shared with us in your lectures with me all my life. Thank you for a great class.
Thank you so much professor! You did not have to respond to me this late at night but I greatly appreciate the email and your care for your students! You’ve been nothing but the best and I hope to have you teach one of my classes in the future! Once again thank you and have a blessed night.
Hi Professor,
I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for an awesome summer mester. I really enjoyed your class and found finance to be way more interesting that I thought it would be. Thank you for all you did to accommodate us during the class, especially with everything being online. I'm still working on the project and will complete the last exam, however just wanted to let you know your lectures were awesome and you are a great professor. (…)
Have a great rest of the summer, stay safe & healthy.
I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for your on going encouragement in Finance 341. This is my second attempt at this class, and knowing that I have a professor that wants me to succeed means so much. I am a horrible test taker, it’s something I’ve struggled with since Kindergarten, but in class when you explain that it’s not just about the exams- it’s knowing how to do it in the real world. That is what I needed to hear. You have no idea how much that simple statement impacted me and gave a boost of confidence!!
Thank you,
Hello Professor Okoromadu,
First off I wanted to say I hope you and your wife are doing well.
I wanted to express my opinions as a student in this course:
I am incredibly grateful for your teaching style and commitment to providing office hours every day. It has really helped me digest the material and learn rather than memorize.
Not canceling lecture/office hours the day of an exam and also allowing for weekend exams (in my opinion) was an effective way to allow us to digest the curriculum in the time crunch that we have as a summer course.
I can even say that many students in this class feel the same way. Regardless of the changes you had to make to stay in line with the department's requests, I wanted to express my belief and appreciation for the system you originally had in mind.
Thank you!
Howdy professor!!
I just wanted to take the time to reach out to you and say thank you for being an incredible prof! You are the first professor I’ve had since started college that has shown a genuine care for the success of your students. Furthermore, you are the first professor who I have learned real-life, valuable information from. I hope you know how incredible of a professor you are! I am so thankful to be in your class!
Thank you for all that you do!
Howdy Professor,
I just wanted to say thank you so much working with our Finance 341 class and caring about your students so much. I know there has been some issues with the exam dates and times for some students, but I appreciate all your help in making all of your students happy. I know I have only been in your class for about two weeks, but you have easily been the most caring, sincere, helpful, and inspiring teacher I have ever had. I wish you taught all of my classes!! Many of my classmates and friends have told me they feel the same way. I just wanted to make sure you knew how much we appreciate you!! I hope you have a great weekend, Professor!
Sincerely, M.V.
Howdy, Professor Okoromadu,
My name is (…) and I am a student in your FINC 341 class this summer. With the change in the test schedule I am very concerned that myself, along with many of my classmates, will not have time to complete the exams on Friday alone.
I personally work a full time and two part time jobs to be able to pay for my school, so I do most of my school work on the weekends. I know that you had people above you that made you change the dates for your exams, but I was wondering if it was possible for me to email them?
I think this change in exams, which is obviously not your fault and we all know that, will hurt a lot of us in the long run. You have shown us that you want nothing more than for us to succeed and we are so thankful for that. I am so sorry that one person having an issue has made your life difficult. Once again, I wanted thank you for all you have done to allow class to be enjoyable, encouraging us, and being so available to us. You are an amazing professor, and I can speak for the majority of the class when I say that you are doing a great job with this class in this unprecedented setting.
In conclusion, if there is anyone I can email to see if we are able to extend testing days, even Friday - Sunday, it would be very helpful to all of us and I would really appreciate that person's contact information.
Wishing you the best weekend,
E.H. ’21
Financial Management (graduate)
Professor Okoromadu,
I just wanted to say thank you for how you handled the semester and always encouraged us to never panic and do our best at everything! Most of the professors I've had have not been as caring, and I thought it was important to let you know that it goes a long way!
This is S.A., a student from your FINC 629 course. Now that the class is over, I wanted to sincerely thank you for everything. I know I struggled on the first exam, but I hope you saw my progress and understanding of the material throughout this quick summer session! I just wanted to thank you so much and express my appreciation for being so accommodating towards my needs and taking the time during office hours to address any questions or concerns I had. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!
Best regards,
Professor Okoromadu,
I want to introduce myself and say thank you. My name is (…) I am taking this class as part of the PPA. I hope my following remarks come off as sincere as possible.
I am beyond excited for this class for a couple reasons.
The first reason is because I am a student who needs to understand a concept if I am to remember information. I have some extremely intelligent friends that can memorize an entire textbook to ace a class, but not I. When you emphasized that your goal is for us to understand the content of the class to develop critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills, I was relieved. I have taken FINC 341, but I felt I did not truly understand the content. I look forward to gaining the understanding I lack.
The second reason is because I truly look forward to learning from you. I know we have only completed the introduction of the course, but from your experience and humble approach to the class, I know there is plenty of information and wisdom to be learned from you.
Thank you for getting me excited for this class!
I have a quick question. What did you say the name of the opera at the beginning of class was? I have never been particularly interested in opera, but what you played was beautiful.
God Bless,
Global Context of Business - South Africa (Faculty-led Study Abroad Program; Curriculum designed and implemented by me.)
My time here has been nothing short of insightful and has helped me reflect about the world and myself, and I would recommend this program to anyone in a heartbeat. This program has broadened my horizons and allowed me to not be as susceptible to blind spots in society because I am blessed and take what I have for granted. My perspective was wrong in the sense that I believed that South Africa was a beautiful tourist location with affluent people and a high GDP; however once you get here you realize the disparity between the top 1% and everyone else. Most people, myself included, don’t realize how everything relates to one another and how something from years ago can have a drastic effect on what you may think is a minute thing in present day.
I wasn’t all wrong about this country though there is both beauty and dark spots, but the beauty of this country doesn’t come from the endless oceans or the mountains that top the sky. It comes from the people, their generosity, the willingness to accept foreigners with open arms, the sense of community they have and the love they have for one another. I personally think that just by interacting with the people I learned more than I ever could’ve in a textbook. This has been the experience of a lifetime.
Every morning, and night, we were always running into people from several different countries and engaging in thought-provoking conversations. They were curious about our culture and we were curious about theirs. This experience was really eye-opening in every way and allowed my peers and me to appreciate this opportunity to learn even more.
We visited several businesses during the trip and I learned that in some aspects, business in South Africa isn’t that different from the United States. While they have more hardships involving infrastructure and government commitment, they had similar business models. Although, one difference I noticed, which I believe America needs to adopt this idea as well, is that South African businesses tend to consider the environment and their culture heavily in all business decisions. They wish to tell a story and make a difference. It was truly refreshing to speak to these business owners that were truly passionate about their customers and the environment around them.
I will never forget the time I spent abroad with my fellow Aggies. It was awesome to see how we went from a group of random students to close friends in a matter of two and a half weeks. The trip allowed us to attempt to understand the difficulties and struggles faced when doing business in South Africa. However, at the same time, we witnessed the creativity and success that can come from celebrating and embracing South Africa’s troubled history. Each business meeting and conversation provided an avenue for us to further understand the culture and context of business in the country. The change in my perspective from the first day to the day we departed was in my understanding of the mental hurdles that African business people face.
Overall, my time in South Africa profoundly impacted me personally and in my ambition to be a transformational leader in the business world. Personally, I have learned so much about South African culture by engaging with locals in all sorts of situations. I spoke to people that ranged from business leaders to local vendors. I learned about Ubuntu, which emphasizes the importance of community. This shared sense of community can be seen in all aspects of South African life. This is different from the individualistic culture I am used to in the United States. It could be seen from how factories operate to how children play in the streets. This experience has helped me consider community more and more in my decision-making process.
Studying abroad in Cape Town exposed me to many valuable experiences and taught me empathy and compassion in a way I never could have imagined. While I had officially signed up to take an international finance course through this study abroad, I learned much more about how to be a cognizant, empathetic, and understanding citizen of the world, and to focus on things and problems bigger than myself. I can’t put into words how impactful it was to see places like the townships or the District 6 area of Cape Town with my own eyes and witness the rich history and culture of each place. Cape Town was full of endless beauty, but we also got to interact with so many local residents who embraced us and shared their stories, whether of hardship or joy, with a level of honesty and vulnerability that was unrivaled.
My time in South Africa was everything and more than what I could’ve imagined it to be. From the cultural excursions to visits to global multinational companies like Pepsi and learning how to conduct business, I was able to truly maximize my time abroad. Being able to partake in every opportunity allowed me to truly understand my role as a global change agent and how impactful my interactions and curiosity can play out to be. Whether in business meetings through asking questions, or one on one with my fellow students, curiosity opened the door to loads of additional knowledge and insight. Knowledge and insight were the two things I really had the opportunity to see in action during my 2 1/2 weeks in South Africa, which brought about a whole new perspective and appreciation.
This study abroad experience has been incredibly impactful and memorable, and I hope to continue chasing opportunities to further my knowledge of the world and other cultures. As I began to explore Cape Town and met with local business owners, I understood that there was a long history of political suppression and economic inequality that has limited a substantial amount of development in the country’s infrastructure and prevented social mobility for much of the populace. These factors can be seen in the local business practices we observed, as many townships have formed communities aimed towards fostering growth and progress by investing in their members and emphasizing a community commitment towards Ubuntu, a philosophy rooted in the sentiment, ‘I am because we are’.
My exposure to South African business practices has introduced me to the strong culture and sentiment of its citizens, and has furthered my understanding of the various factors that contribute to the growth and development of a country’s economy. This has truly been an amazing experience, and I hope that more students can have opportunities like this to expand their exposure to the world and our global impact as Texas A&M students.
I have studied abroad before, in Spain, so I thought I knew what to expect, but I truly don’t think anything could have prepared me for this. On a daily basis, I was simply blown away by the beauty and culture of South Africa and by the fact that I was given the opportunity to be there to experience it all.
On top of all of the cool experiences, we also got the opportunity to hear from a multitude of global multinational businesses such as Pepsi, Puma, and local ones like a coffee shop owner, a winery owner, and my personal favorite, the founder of a South African shoe company. It amazed me how open, willing, and welcoming each business speaker was and they provided us with some really great insight. It was fascinating to hear how business is done there and how important international business relations are to their economy. Even though there are clear differences in their business system in comparison to ours, there were also lots of foundational similarities and that was really cool for all of us to see as business students.
Not only did I gain “business” knowledge but their stories and backgrounds really impacted me and gave me a lot of “life” knowledge and motivation as well. Going off of this, though the country and excursions themselves were incredible, the people are really what made the trip for me. Firstly, the South African people were amazing to interact with. People we would meet at restaurants and tours and everyone in between, the people were so genuine, kind, hopeful, and truly inspirational.
My fellow students were incredible as well. Some of my absolute favorite moments were the conversations we had on the long bus rides or staying up late talking about life in the living room or cooking together and listening to music in the kitchen. We found joy in each other and did everything we could to help one another. It’s rare to have a group where everyone genuinely gets along and enjoys each other’s company, but that was truly the case here. I genuinely can say that I formed meaningful relationships with each person on the trip and learned from each person as well. I will be forever grateful to have had these once-in-a-lifetime experiences and to have done it all with such an incredible group and so, although I feel a sadness that it’s over, I am overwhelmed with joy that I got to do it and that I can carry these memories with me forever!
Since coming home, my mind keeps returning to the concept of ubuntu, or “I am because you/we are.” The concept of ubuntu seems to permeate every aspect of South African culture, from business to social. For instance, we met with a coffee shop owner who had learned how to brew coffee in London (United Kingdom) and had the opportunity to take that knowledge and use it to escape the township and create a better life. Instead, he returned to the township because he wanted to use his knowledge to better the township, rather than just up and leave. This feels very different to the culture of America, where the betterment of the individual is often prioritized above that of the community.
I got to experience some amazing things while on my study abroad in South Africa. However, the most important thing that I learned was how they conducted business and how every single person that I talked to showed us the utmost respect and engaged with us to help us learn more.
It is eye-opening to look back now and reflect on all of the companies we visited, from Puma Group to PepsiCo and consider some of the problems they are facing and how they deal with them. It is inspiring to see the many changes that have occurred in South Africa and to also see how many more still need to occur (like making the education system better, for example). Yet, they all stand by each other and help and teach each other, and welcome one another.